· Minecraft Console Edition TU14 Tutorial World (Bedrock Edition) *All credit goes to 4J Studios, the creator of this map.*. This is the seventh tutorial world from the Console Edition of Minecraft. It includes a tutorial area, remake of the Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), hidden underground cave, lava parkour, quartz monument, creeper ship Reviews: 4. · Release date. . Downloads. Download. TU TU TU11 was a version of Xbox Edition released on . Here is the download (TU14) Here is a comment with the download for versions TU3, TU5, TU11, TU12, TU19, TU31, TU41, and TU Courtesy to u/RomanPort. He converted the Bedrock versions to Java with MC Tool Chest.
MINECRAFT EARTH MAP. High scale maps of the Earth in Minecraft. Available at scales from to DOWNLOADS. Scroll down to content. Megacraft - Pocket Edition. We already have more than 10,, players! Megacraft is a cube universe with endless voxel generations and hundreds of different blocks to build, decorate and survive! Build houses, settlements and entire cities! Interact with NPCs, play various roles, hunt, fish, defend against night zombies! This is the minecraft xbox tutorial world from the 14th titel update. I have maded it so you can now play it on your Pc. Have fun and hope you like it.
All Minecraft Console Tutorial Worlds Pack. With this pack you will find all the major tutorial worlds from Minecraft Console Edition, this were maps that 4J Studios created within major content updates. You'll get to experience the history of these worlds and see how they evolved from being ever so small to giant sized!. *All credit goes to 4J Studios, the creator of this map.* 4J Studios This is the seventh tutorial world from the Console Edition of Minecraft. It includes a tutorial area, remake of the Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), hidden underground cave, lava parkour, quartz monument, creeper ship, mushroom island, stonehenge/graveyard, blacksmith workshop, stone tower, spider cave, abandoned mountain cabin. This is tutorial world 14 ported from the xbox. With all original stucktures and builds for you to experience the past. Here is the title update 14 tutorial world. This world is filled with many new structures and areas to explore. Find hidden locations around the world to find what hides in side.