· Meanwhile Sony has updated the software support page for Xperia Z, which suggests Android KitKat with build number A started rolling out for Xperia Z from 21 May. View Secifications of Sony Xperia E4 E Mobile and Download Android Kitkat FirmwareBrand: Sony. · Original Android development for the Xperia Z. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality.
Meanwhile Sony has updated the software support page for Xperia Z, which suggests Android KitKat with build number A started rolling out for Xperia Z from 21 May. The Sony Xperia SP's support page clearly reveals Android KitKat as the 'future version' for the smartphone, while other Xperia smartphones, namely Xperia T, Xperia TX, Xperia V and Xperia ZR. UPDATE: The ROM is now "beta1", so it's more stable than it was when I reviewed it and made this video. XDA link for info on WHAT IS AND ISN'T WORKING: http.
Android on Nexus 5 lets you listen to music for longer - up to 60 hours of audio playback.*. Music and movie-seeking from lock screen. Jump to a specific part of a song or video from your lock screen. Just long press on the play or pause button and then select the point you want. Secure app sandboxes. The Urushi is the codename for the Xperia Ray ST18i and ST18a, the Haida is the code name for the Sony Xperia neo V – MT11i, MT11a. It makes no sense that it would display the wrong phone model at this stage. Was the boot image the correct one for the Ray? Have you changed anything else that could cause this mismatch?. Tweet. Sony will shortly release Android KitKat to the Xperia E3. Firmware build A can already be downloaded through XperiFirm for the D HSPA+ variant. The update isn’t rolling publicly yet, only the “internal” versions are currently available to download. There doesn’t seem to be too much that has changed in the update.