1 ISO – Anti-Bribery Management System Overview: 16th – 17th November Presenter: Dr KM Loi Vice Chair - ISO/PC Deputy President – TI Malaysia Vice Chair – UNCAC Coalition. ISO resources and downloads. LRQA has created ISO resources designed to include a series of measures that represent globally recognised practices, which an organisation must implement to help them prevent, detect and address bribery. ISO (E) Introduction Bribery is a widespread phenomenon. It raises serious social, moral, economic and political concerns, undermines good governance, hinders development and distorts competition. It erodes justice, undermines human rights and is an obstacle to the relief of poverty. It also increases the cost of doing.
The measures required by ISO are designed to be integrated into existing management processes and controls. ISO is based on the ISO High-Level Structure (HLS) for management system standards. This means it can be easily integrated into other existing management. What is the ISO Anti-bribery Management Systems standard? -Why was it created? -How is the standard different from the FCPA? -What are its benefits? How does ISO work? -What is/are its structure, contents, principles and key concepts? Manfaat ISO bagi Organisasi: 1. Membantu Organisasi dalam meningkatkan control melalui penerapan sistem manajemen anti penyuapan. 2. Memberikan kepada manajemen, pemilik, penyandang dana, pelanggan dan rekan bisnis lainnya, bahwa Organisasi telah melaksanakan praktek control anti suap yang baik, yang diakui secara internasional. 3.
ISO (E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical. The ISO standard (December ) is not certifiable but provides useful guidelines for a variety of compliance needs including anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, export control. The ISO standard (October ) is a certifiable standard, consistent with ISO and dedicated to Anti-Bribery Management Systems. How does ISO fit in with my organization’s other efforts to combat bribery? The measures required by ISO are designed to be integrated into existing management processes and controls. ISO is based on the ISO High-Level Structure (HLS) for management system standards. This means it can.