Larger files download at slower speed

 · But recently, i realize that when i download something on Edge is too slow comparing with Chrome. Seens that my Edge "limits" the speed of my download. I download a Google Drive file, separately, with only one Browser running at a time. Chrome: i can . The simplest way around this is to wait until the home network is quieter before downloading large files. Obviously, this isn’t always practical, but there is also a router setting called Quality of Service or QoS that may help with this problem as topfind247.coted Reading Time: 11 mins. speed is speed no matters what the size of file the speed will be same. its connected to our psychological thinking. when the size of a file is large our mind starts thinking about the time remaining to download and our focus is on the downloading bar hence we think that the file is downloading fast.

We suggest only testing the large files if you have a connection speed faster than 10 Mbps. Click the file you want to download to start the download process. If the download does not start you may have to right click on the size and select "Save Target As". These files will automatically use IPv6 if available, but you can select the IPv4 or. What you want is to disable sendfile for large files, and use directio (preferably with threads so it's non-blocking) instead. Any files under 16MB will still be read using sendfile. By using directio you read directly from the disk, skipping many steps on the way. p.s. Please note that to use aio threads you need to compile nginx with threads. Answer (1 of 3): That depends on your hosting environment. If you are on shared hosting, it is possible that read/write (IOPS), bandwidth, CPU and other resources are restricted by your hosting provider. In that case, it can affect your website speed depending on how fast are you downloading your.

I started downloading the it went at a fast download speed, but still with larger files the download speed is still too slow what can be done? Link to comment Share on other sites. This is a simple toy downloader using python's requests library. I’ve monitored the download process is slower on an ethernet connected box. The realtime speed is measured both on stdout, using get_net_speed () function, and conky. I’m using a 4Mbps connection. When downloading a file using wget, the downloading gets full bandwidth as expected. Smaller files download slower than large ones I just upgraded my internet to Mbps up and down and it's mostly awesome, with one big issue. When I'm downloading from steam, large files will download at full speed (~95MB/s) but smaller files (under ~50MB) will download at about to KB/s.


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