The first year in the career of a special education teacher is filled with expectation and promise. Addressing the most common needs of beginning special education teachers, The Exceptional Teacher's Handbook helps new educators move confidently from preplanning to post-planning for the entire school year. 2. Differentiate basic education, craft education and work experience. 3. Discuss various policies in relation to vocational education. 4. Describe national skills qualification framework and industry school linkage 5. Comprehend entrepreneurship and its importance. 6. Discuss new trends and development in vocational education. Download Free PDF. Final Scheme detailed Syllabiof Special Educationi () Anup Sharma. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Final Scheme detailed Syllabiof Special Educationi ()Estimated Reading Time: 15 mins.
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